Friday, April 18, 2008

Work at Home and Earn Cash

Work At Home Ideas For Teens
By []Carael Knight

Got a teen who’s not keen on pushing a lawn mower or babysitting for extra cash? These work at home ideas for teens will help you help your teen make money online.

Organize An Online Garage Sale

Cyber garage sales are excellent work at home opportunities. Schedule a big house cleaning with your teen. Then have your teen list unwanted items on eBay or another auction site. Make your teen responsible for taking pictures and writing descriptions of items for sale, putting up the listings, researching and setting the prices, preparing invoices, collecting the money (which he or she keeps of course), shipping the items, and choosing a local charity to receive items that don’t sell.

Paid Posting Or Blogging

Does your teen love World of Warcraft of have every word of the Harry Potter books memorized? If so, your teen may be able to blog or post his or her way to fortune…or at least to a little extra pin money. Help your teen locate paid blogging or posting opportunities and sign up if the site requires a parent’s permission. These work at home opportunities are also sly ways to help your teen improve his or her grammar and spelling.

Selling Crafts

If your teen has an artistic flare and makes a unique product, he or she may want to consider making crafts and selling them online. Your teen can use an auction site like eBay or create his or her own webpage and accept Paypal payments. As work at home ideas go, this one has a lot of promise, as it will help your teen learn the basics of economics (setting a fair price for products that covers the cost of supplies and labor) as well as the importance of good customer service.

Write an eBook

Has your teen had an unusual experience like dealing with a life-threatening illness, enjoying extensive world travel, or winning an award for volunteerism? If so, encourage your teen to write an eBook about his or her experiences. Your teen can publish the book online using available (often free) software and create a website to sell it. This may not be one of the more lucrative work at home ideas, but it will help your teen improve his or her writing skills and teach him or her how to market a product.

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